Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Forced Finish

As much as I love to knit and crochet, I hate finish work.  I avoid it at all costs...  In fact, I should be sewing a sweater together right now!  One of the (many, many) reasons I wanted to start blogging was to help force me to finish my work--I can't always be posting pictures of unfinished work, can I?  People will be out there, waiting to see what finished products I've come up with...  Always assuming, of course, that someone reads my blog!  Anyway, I have a sister who is mere weeks from giving birth to a new baby boy, and I have made him a new crocheted blanket (finished a few weeks ago, except for blocking, sewing in ends, and border), a new knitted sweater (finished except for sewing together), and a new knitted hat (finished!  I knit it in around so I would only have to sew in the ends!!).  I would like to avoid the frenzied finishing I ended up doing when my other sister went into labour 8 days before her scheduled C-section last fall (and we didn't know what she was having, so I had 2 big bags of unfinished product, and didn't know which things to finish first!), so I am starting now.  Before I sat down to write this, I pinned the blanket to a towel and wet it down, and it's drying in front of me now...  Blocking!  It's actually the first time that I've properly blocked something (and I call myself a knitter!!), so I've very pleased with myself, and am pleased with how easy it was (always the way with all things we actively avoid doing!).  So, now I'll have to get to work on sewing together the little sweater I've made him, and maybe I'll even have time left over to knit him a little stuffed toy before the big day (scheduled for Monday, July 25th, so I have 20 days, plenty of time!).